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What is Functional Holistic Medicine

in Contrast to Functional Integrative Medicine ?


There is growing recognition today that pharmaceutical drugs are simply not the solution for the hundreds of millions of people suffering from chronic health conditions, including autoimmune diseases where the body’s innate immune system mistakenly attacks healthy organs and tissue.  Fortunately, in the world of conventional medicine, increasing numbers of doctors and healthcare providers are being trained in a new approach to addressing chronic illness.


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This new medical approach has emerged and is now called "Functional or Integrative Medicine”.

Functional Medicine is being hailed by many practitioners as an evolution in the practice of conventional medicine, which addresses the health care needs of the 21st century when in fact all along Traditional Naturopathic practitioners Homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine has been providing Functional healthcare for hundreds of years as the first doctors or physicians.

Read More about the types and tile of "doctor" click here--->


The conventional medical industry admittedly has evolved into a “crisis management” function under the current healthcare system. Unless you have a condition that can be "identified or diagnosed",  you might not receive much help from a primary care physician.  However, when you are "low on energy, struggling with your weight, managing moodiness or just can’t sleep, you want to know why, and you want solutions to these symptoms.

Functional or Integrative medicine is not crisis management for health-related issues. Instead of simply diagnosing disease and managing symptoms, integrative medicine practice takes a preventive approach to healthcare by identifying the root cause of your condition-symptoms or dysfunction from a whole-body perspective much like traditional naturopathy less the holistic healthcare elements of Body-Mind-Spirit. Functional Medical Doctors sparsely address the "Mind" let along trying to understand the "Spirit". (there is indeed spiritual roots)


Historically this field of whole body systems (whole-istic) area of study was solely practiced by Traditional Naturopathic physicians and Called Functional Holistic Healthcare. Functional Natural Medicine, Functional Holistic Healthcare, functional Medicine or Traditional Chinese medicine as they have been called for centuries, essentially, advocates shifting the focus of the practice to a patient-centered approach, considering the whole person and dealing with the underlying cause of illness to allow the body to heal naturally; rather than just looking at and trying to suppress the symptoms of illness with various medications.

Read More about the emerging practice of "Functional or Integrative Medicine" click here--->



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In Contrast What is Functional Holistic Healthcare?


Ironically, Functional Medicine is actually fueling a movement towards what has long been originally recognized as natural "whole-istic" based medicine for a long time called Traditional Naturopathic practitioners Homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Functional Nutrition. Most that has been rejected by conventional medicine up until recent years.


Simply put, our bodies are designed by the Creator to be healthy.  For this, all of our systems need to be operating in balance and harmony – everything needs to be functioning properly. However, things needed by the body to achieve balance and function at its best might be missing, or something might be standing in the way of its best functioning. 


Modern research shows proven results that functional holistic medicine. I like to say its like a three legged stool; all three legs must be evenly balanced otherwise you fall over or off the stool. I call it the tripod or Triangle of health. This is why i don't have a "one size fits all" or a "cookie cutter approach"








This is the only way effective way to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and recover from illness. When you find a gifted healer to work with you understand just what all this means; to expose the root cause. Not just treat the symptom and "Band Aid" it. 


In this context, from a Holistic Medicine perspective, there is no need to diagnose and treat or attempt to identify and cure an illness or disease.  In contrast, the focus is simply on addressing deficiencies and/or malfunctions, restoring balance and improving function through entirely natural means appropriate to your particular situation, and allowing your body to heal itself.


Since Holistic Natural Medicine practitioners focus on how the various systems in your body are functioning and correcting deficiencies and/or imbalances that may be prohibiting optimal functioning; the guidance you receive from us can be referred to generally as Functional holistic Healthcare.


This is Where Natural  Holistic "Functional" Healthcare Comes in

Fortunately, in the world of conventional medicine, increasing numbers of doctors and healthcare providers are being trained in a new approach to addressing chronic illness. The field of study is called “Functional Healthcare”. 


Simply put Functional Health bases its approach on a basic platform of the sciences of human biochemistry and physiology and it’s relation to genetics, nutrition and environmental influences and emotional state. A fundamental concept is that is often overlooked in main stream “conventional medicine”; to research the functioning of the body systems investigate certain core clinical imbalances (which underlie different diseases) that arise when environmental factors like diet, nutrients, oxygen H2O, exercise, trauma (mental, physical) and toxins  (drugs, personal hygiene chemicals, pesticides, household cleaning chemicals) and how each are processed by a person’s mind, body & spirit through genetic predispositions, attitudes and beliefs. With Functional Healthcare, we treat the person who has the disease rather than the disease the person has. Philosophies Page Here


Functional Health advocates shifting the focus of practice to a patient-centered approach, considering the whole person and dealing with the underlying cause of illness to allow the body to heal naturally; rather than just looking at and trying to suppress the symptoms of illness with various medications. With Functional Health, we treat the person who has the disease rather than the disease the person has. We are a drug free practice.


Functional Healthcare is being hailed by many practitioners as an evolution in the practice of conventional medicine, which addresses the health care needs of the 21st century.


Is Functional Healthcare Right for You?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you under a lot of stress at work or at home?

  • Do you often feel tired for no apparent reason?

  • Due to family history, do you believe you at a higher risk for diseases such as: heart disease, diabetes, cancer or arthritis?

  • Is losing weight difficult, while gaining weight seems unavoidable?

  • Do you often eat or crave foods like pasta, chips, and sweets?

  • Do you have trouble remembering things or concentrating?

  • Do you wake up tired and wishing you could go back to bed?

  • Have you taken tests only to be told “Everything’s OK,” but you still feel lousy?

  • Are you taking supplements, but feel they’re not working?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is likely your health can be substantially improved by making adjustments to your lifestyle choices.

Your body can repair itself if supplied with the right materials and environment, and provided you are willing to spend the time necessary to make the repairs. With the right roadmap, it is possible to get back on the road to vibrant health!


After all, doesn’t it make sense to regain your health and prevent future illness, instead of spending your time, money and heartache trying to suppress the symptoms of disease with expensive medications but without getting well?



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