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Michael Marcel Turcotte, NCT, TCM, LMT


Traditional Naturopathic Doctor • Gifted Body Body Worker • Certified Health Nut

Once upon a time, I was a young boy living outside of suburban Boston Massachusetts. Life was normal, playing in the parks and ball in the streets (until the streetlights went on) then one day my father dies tragically by a self-inflicted gunshot wound and my life took a sudden turn. Eventually this young boy became a loner, a drifter, trying to cling onto something to find purpose, spending years drowning my pain and self-medicating my spirit with substance abuse.


Then about a decade past and close to 300 pounds later, a fatty liver, on several prescription drugs,  and sick, fat and nearly dead. Then an incredible new spiritual regeneration, a transformation, I found God or better said the Living God found me! ( I don't share my faith on social media or world wide web but if you want details of my incredible life changing expedience ask)  my life dramatically changed yet still remained stuck in the same sick fat body a product of a decade of my self inflicted recreational and non-recreational sedation lifestyle.


For the first time in my adult life, I was able to stop all recreational drugs and no longer a slave to the bottle. After stopping the madness and taking the turn I soon began experiencing physical and emotional symptoms. My doctor treated me for years with drugs and invasive procedures (like a conscious liver biopsy ouch), he once again reviewed my blood work and shocked me when he asked me "Do you want to see 40?" and added, "because you're not going to!



I started to make small changes at first to the things that I eat, the things I do, exercises and other activities.

Then I found a naturopathic doctor and started getting therapeutic lymphatic massage and within a year I was down to 190 pounds and feeling great! that's were my learning and career change started. Now 20 years later I'm a traditional naturopath and a gifted body worker (and humble to).


Though I no longer have any state naturopathic licenses, (I allowed each to expire) I do legally practice, and I help people regain their health in every state as a member of Professional Wellness Alliance. I and everyone I work on or with must become a member and sign a wellness agreement to be kept on file. This agreement include along with many things that i am not a medical doctor and that I do not practice brain surgery. ( which is a no brainer) click here to learn more.









There are many professional use protocols along with-natural items I use all the time for home remedies, and I like to share those with others.  My site is one way for me to do it.  A place that you can come and check out all the things we use, the special protocols we have, the foods we eat and the activities we perform.  Even the items we use to measure our progress.


You’ll find a lot of information here on Holistic Medicine and  living a natural and healthy lifestyle.  No, I'm not perfect, and I do realize that some of the things i recommend, may not perform the same for you, and in some cases, may not work for you at all.  But I am gifted at nailing it at the root and the proof is in the pudding. (not banana pudding)  I’ll take the time to explain these differences when I know them, and I’ll always look to you for your observational feedback, comments and your stories.


My lifestyle includes whole food consentrates, a medicine cabinet of homeopathic and herbal remedies, eating well, (with the occasional cheating), the use of substitutes for things like sugar, oils and other items that may not be good for everyone, and the outdoor living that I enjoy.


I hope you get to enjoy these with me, and that you share stories as well as yours.


Thank you so much, hope to help you feel better and start holistic living!


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