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Need Prayer?

Prayer Ministry

We covet your prayers for our ministry as we seek to change hearts in healthcare. Will you join with us by praying for the ministries of Center for Health and Wellness and minister Michael Turcotte on a daily basis?


Submit your prayer request.

How can we pray for you? Please fill out the form below to share your prayer requests with us and we will share your requests with our staff members who will lift up your requests during our regularly scheduled chapel services. You can also submit your prayer requests via email to


Prayer Request

By filling out this form, your prayer request will be shared with our staff and others in our office who will be praying for you.

Submit a Prayer request

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Dear Lord God - thank You for friends, friendships and the people you have brought into my path. I thank you for divine appointments; for the wonderful way that we have been designed by You to interact and meet each other and to be there to support and encouragement and healing in times of sadness as well as joy. Lord glorifiy your Holy Name in this interaction. I thank you because you not only hear  but you also answer my prayers. Father I do thank You for this very person that you brought to this website at a time when it was most needed and for the close bond of friendship that has been begun or is about to begin/ happen here.



Click Here For Prayer Resources

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